
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Funny things by Anna

So maybe once a week or month im going to post all the funny things Anna has said so I can remember them ALL.

(Anna talking to my Mom)
Anna: Grandma lets talk
Grandma: what do you wanna talk about
Anna: lets talk Boys
Grandma: Boys really?
Anna: yeah daddy is a boy, Mommy is a girl and Im Peter Pan

(we are planning a trip to Disney World in Sept 2013)
Anna saw a commercial for Disney Land

Anna: I wanna go to Disneyland
Mom: We are going to go to Disney World soon, with Kate and Lisa and Susan and Bill
Anna: Ok lets go to Disney World
Mom: We will go soon Anna
Anna: lets go to Disney World now
Mom: we cant go to Disney World till we are on a plane
Anna : A Plane thats flies in sky
Mom: yes a plane in the sky
(we go to get in the car)
Anna: NO NO No car, a plane to go to Disney World
Mom: sweetie we can't go to disneyworld till your birthday
Anna: My birthday Now lets have a party and go to Disney World

We have decided to stop the talk about Disney World for a while because this conversation went on for about an Hour!!

isnt she so cute!!

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