
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mommy advice

Well after having 2 babies i now know what is a necessity for a baby and what is a want. I have also learned several techniques to help with the household. so here is what i have learned things i cant live with out as a mom

A boppy greatest thing every even if you don't nurse
I don't nurse but i use my boppy like crazy
tummy time, just to lay him down,
stuffy and runny noses
plus its very easy to travel with 

i love love love the bumbo 
helps with sitting and head shape
we are working on head shape because
with a second child they don't get to be 
carried as much so head shape is harder to obtain 
but bumbo keeps them off there head.
and very easy to play with baby in bumbo
and if he is gassy the sitting properly helps push the
 gas through we have found

we love the bouncer because it is so easy to travel with
when going to grandmas for dinner just take the bouncer
and its very easy to put him in the bouncer and eat or play a game
also bouncer must have vibration to help calm baby and toys to distract
Our baby if he didn't get burped very well the vibration really helps get it out
and he loves to play boxer with the toys

now my baby loves his swing all i have to do is put him
in his swing with a cozy blanket set it on 2 and turn the classical music
(that is on the swing) on and he instantly knocks out and can sleep forever in there

changing table organizer
I have to keep things very organized and by having this organizer (found at sears)
makes life so much easier. Also we love a wipe warmer especially for winter babies

white board
we love our white board
it is so nice for baby sitters just write down what needs to be done,
and make grocery lists, things you need to remember or notes to dad.
I highly recommend one of these

bottle dryer
since we bottle feed this is so handy 
it makes it so your dish drainer is always full of bottles
and its very compact.

stain remover
I did this with Anna (because she had reflux and spit up everywhere) 
but keep in babies room and whenever they spit up and you 
change there outfit just spray a little of this on the spot and throw in laundry.

bath bouncer
we love this instead of buying a big bath tub for him 
we just use this and it works great especially with swaddle baths

these bags are amazing we use them all the time
they are scented bags and keep the smell in i have these
in our diaper bag and anywhere we change diapers
we only use them for poopy diapers
you can buy them at the dollar store which makes them even better
and it makes it so you can buy a regular trash can 
instead of an expensive baby one 

diapers and wipes
being a 2nd time mom i learned how many diapers and wipes i need
so i make sure i always have a stock

Also things I have learned to help with the house. Now im still perfecting these but they seem to be working
Everyone gets there own day
Monday: Me
Wednesday: Anna
Thursday: Bradley
Friday: towels
Saturday: our Sheets
it works out great and usually keeps everyones stuff to one or 2 loads we also do the kids bedding on there day and i just try to work it so that it is all down by the time nap is so during nap i can fold everything.
It works great so far and has helped a ton.

"make sure your sink shines before you go to bed"
now this sounds pretty harsh but works a ton we just make sure our dishes are put in the dishwasher or put away before we go to bed every night. It makes sleeping a little easier because you wake up realizing your dishes are done.

The best we have learned is to make Child #1 pick up her toys and put them away several times a day. And it seems to be the best and teaches her very well.

Well that is my mommy advice and I hope it helps some of you out!!


  1. As a grandma, I have found that rules regarding the first two years of life have changed a lot since I was a young mom. I love the recommendations regarding household routines! I like having a clean sink every night, and having your child pick up her toys more than once during the day also is good for your sanity in addition to teaching her responsibility. Good Job Treesa!

  2. You are an amazing mother. My favorite was the bouncer, boy could Shalena get that thing bouncing. Great memories. The only thing I do not see is time aside for you.
